Find a local farm market here

Looking for a local, true farmer's market in Okaloosa County, Florida Panhandle? Scroll down this page and you will see the farm markets, farm stands, roadside stands, produce markets, even garden fruit and vegetable stands and seasonal community farmer's markets in Okaloosa County, Florida Panhandle, sorted by county. Markets offering organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name. If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website.

And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the information, please click here to ADD a farm, - or - click here to CORRECT an existing listing!. Thank you!

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What's in season in February 2025, and other timely information:

February brings with it cold weather winter crops, like kale, spinach, some lettuces, peas, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leeks and early onions, and from southern areas, like Florida and southern Texas, strawberries, oranges, sumatras, grapefruit.

Okaloosa County, Florida Panhandle U-Pick Farms and Orchards, by county

Click on the resources drop-down above, if you need a county map

Okaloosa County

  • Crestview Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables (some locally grown),
    Old Spanish Trail Park (Corner of Stillwell Blvd. and Industrial Blvd.), Crestview, Florida, FL 32536 Open: See their website or Facebook page (click the name of the market). (ADDED: May 8, 2017, JBS)
  • Okaloosa County Farmers Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables (some locally grown),
    Lewis Turner Blvd., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547. Phone: (850) 689-5850. Email: [email protected]. Open: Thursdays from 7 am to 2 pm, April to Thanksgiving. See their website or Facebook page (click the name of the market). Directions: East of Northwest Florida Fairgrounds. (ADDED: May 8, 2017, JBS)

For availability of other crops (berries, vegetables, etc.) in the Panhandle of Florida, click here!

Other Local Farm Products (Honey, Horses, Milk, Meat, Eggs, Etc.)
(NOT pick-your-own, unless they are also listed above)

Click here for salad spinners, washers and other popular kitchen produce accessories