Looking for a local, true farmer's market in The Jackson Area of Mississippi?
Scroll down this page and you will see the farm markets,
farm stands, roadside stands, produce markets, even garden fruit and vegetable stands and
seasonal community farmer's markets in The Jackson Area of Mississippi,
sorted by county. Markets offering organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name.
If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website.
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please click here to ADD a farm,
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What's in season in February 2025, and other timely information:
February brings with it cold weather winter crops, like kale, spinach,
some lettuces, peas, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower,
leeks and early onions,
and from southern areas, like Florida and southern Texas,
strawberries, oranges, sumatras, grapefruit.
The Jackson Area of Mississippi Farmer's Market Listings in 2025, by county
Click on the resources drop-down at the top of the page, if you need a county map
Claiborne County
Copiah County
Crystal Springs Farm Market - Farm stand / farm
market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits
and vegetables, Honey from hives on the farm, restrooms
Mathis Road, Crystal Springs, MS 39059. Phone: 601-835-7305.
[email protected]. Open: Generally, Monday to Friday,
from 10 am to 5 pm; Saturday and Sunday, from 2 pm to 8 pm; Any
time is likely to be available by appointment; Call for openings
to match your needs. Directions: From points north: I-55 Crystal
Springs North exit. Left onto highway 27, right onto highway 51,
south to second flashing red light. Left onto Marion Avenue.
East to "T" at the High School. Right onto Newton Street. Mathis
Road begins at "Y". Continue straight south 2.5 miles. From
ponts south: I-55 Gallman exit. East, cross highway 51, continue
on East Gallman Road 2 miles to "T" with Thomas Road. Right onto
Thomas Road, for .5 mile. Left onto Mathis Road, north 2 miles.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
(ADDED: June 19, 2012)
Hinds County
TSAC Farms - Roadside stand, Farm stand / farm market
on a farm, beans, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, corn (sweet),
cucumbers, onions, peppers, summer squash, winter squash,
strawberries, tomatoes, other vegetables, Fresh eggs
Adams Station Road, Edwards, MS 39066. Phone: (601) 985-9403.
Alternate Phone: (601) 863-6022. Email:
[email protected]. Open: 365 days per year. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
(ADDED: February 27, 2017)
Holmes County
Humphreys County
Issaquena County
Jefferson County
Madison County
Rankin County
- Holmes Blueberry Farm -
Hickory Ridge Road, Florence, MS, Phone:
601-845-2028. Open: June and July Monday to Friday from 7 am to
7 pm. Saturday from
7 am to 6 pm. Closed Sun. A visitor talked
with the owner, and she said the farm does not do PYO anymore.
They will pick for you. Blueberries are $10.00 for a 5 quart
bucket. (UPDATED: June 13, 2011)
McClain Farmers
Market - Wide variety of seasonal fruits and
vegetables, restrooms, gift shop, concession stand (drinks,
snacks and/or food), pumpkins (in a market, stand or shop), pony
rides, petting zoo, farm animals, birthday parties, weddings and
wedding parties, tours of the operation, group tours
Holly Bush Road, Brandon, MS 39047. Phone: 601-829-1101 . Email:
[email protected]. Open: Daily from 8 am to 8 pm. Directions:
See their website for directions.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx . Depending on the
season, you can get ripe-off-the-vine veggies, freshly harvested
honey, hand-picked fruits, or the jams and jellies made from
them. Whatever the time of year, you can find fresh fare here at
our Farmers Market. Visit often! You never know what you'll
find. (ADDED: September 24, 2018, Suggested by a visitor)
A visitor writes on September 24, 2018: ""
Sharkey County
Simpson County
Warren County
Washington County
Yazoo County
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