Find a local farm market here

Looking for a local, true farmer's market in Northeastern North Carolina? Scroll down this page and you will see the farm markets, farm stands, roadside stands, produce markets, even garden fruit and vegetable stands and seasonal community farmer's markets in Northeastern North Carolina, sorted by county. Markets offering organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name. If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website.

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What's in season in February 2025, and other timely information:

February brings with it cold weather winter crops, like kale, spinach, some lettuces, peas, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leeks and early onions, and from southern areas, like Florida and southern Texas, strawberries, oranges, sumatras, grapefruit.

Northeastern North Carolina Farmer's Market Listings in 2025, by county

Click on Local resources above, if you need a county map

Bertie County

Camden County

Chowan County

Currituck County

  • Coinjock Creek Farms - Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, some produce is sustainably grown, Uncovered outdoor market, Preserves, jams, jellies, Crafts, artistic products, etc, beans, beets, blueberries, broad beans, broccoli, carrots, corn (sweet), cucumbers, figs, herbs/spices, onions, peas, peppers, summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes, other vegetables, Other fruit or veg,
    180 Maple Road, Maple, NC 27956. Phone: 252-267-3332. Fax: 888-241-5820. Email: [email protected]. Open: Monday through Sunday, 8 am to sunset; Call ahead!. Directions: From NC 168: turn onto Maple Road (SR1246); our farm is located .5 mile on the right. From US 158: turn onto Maple Road (SR1246); our farm is located 1.5 miles on the left. GPS Coords: Latitude 36.41207; Longitude -76.01002. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. okra, and potatoes available. (ADDED: May 16, 2010) (UPDATED: July 16, 2010)
  • Morris Farm Market - Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, restrooms, gift shop, picnic area, pumpkins (brought in from the field), school tours
    3784 Caratoke Hwy, Barco, NC 27917. Phone: 252-453-2837. Open: They're open from the middle of May until the middle of October, from around 7 - 7. Directions: See their website for directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx . (ADDED: July 06, 2011, suggested by a visitor). (ADDED: July 06, 2011, suggested by a visitor)
    Comments from a visitor on July 06, 2011: "I love the place. I go weekly and have friends who travel at least 45 minutes to go there every weekend during the season!! Morris Farms is known as the "Disney World" of farm markets. It's on the way to NC's Outer Banks and began with a farmer selling corn out of the back of his pick-up truck. He's from a long line of farmers. The market now features tractor-churned ice cream, a bakery, and events in the Fall. The market opened in the 80's and has expanded every year, with the Morris's using their great creative abilities to come up with more interesting things for us to enjoy every year. It's just a great market. No gimmicks. Just a great market. Wonderful bakery!! By the way, there was someone who stopped in the other day from Los Angeles who had heard all the way across the country about the clean, juniper-lined, history print bathrooms! What will they come up with next? "
    Comments from a visitor on July 06, 2011:
    "I love the place. I go weekly and have friends who travel at least 45 minutes to go there every weekend during the season!!Their bathrooms are the cleanest, nicest, in the country!!. Morris Farms is known as the "Disney World" of farm markets. It's on the way to NC's Outer Banks and began with a farmer selling corn out of the back of his pick-up truck. He's from a long line of farmers. The market now features tractor-churned ice cream, a bakery, and events in the Fall. The market opened in the 80's and has expanded every year, with the Morris's using their great creative abilities to come up with more interesting things for us to enjoy every year. It's just a great market. No gimmicks. Just a great market. Wonderful bakery!! By the way, there was someone who stopped in the other day from Los Angelas who had heard all the way across the country about the clean, juniper-lined, history print bathrooms! What will they come up with next? "

Gates County

Halifax County

  • Happy Acres Farm - Uses integrated pest management practices, Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, concessions / refreshment stand, porta-potties, picnic area, mining for gems, farm animals, birthday parties, school tours, group reservations
    210 Wright Road, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870. Phone: (252) 537-8537. Alternate Phone: (252) 532-6951. Email: [email protected]. Open: Friday, Saturday and Sunday before Holloween Haunted Forest from 7 pm to 11 pm. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Haunted Forrest, Friday, Saturday and Sunday before Holloween starting at 7 pm until 11 pm. Uses integrated pest management practices, Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover. Click here for our Facebook page. We offer Montana Gold Panning. Pan for real gold. (ADDED: November 29, 2017)

Hertford County

Northampton County

Pasquotank County

Perquimans County

  • Haven Acres Farm - Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, all produce is sustainably grown, Indoor market, Preserves, jams, jellies, Cider mill (fresh apple cider made on the premises), porta-potties
    1027 Beech Springs Road, Hertford, NC 27944. Phone: (252) 209-1954. Alternate Phone: (252) 287-8640. Email: [email protected]. Open: Seasonally we are open on Tuesdays from 5pm to 9pm and Saturdays from 9am to 2pm. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. We usually start having our peaches the weekend after Fathers day and have them into mid- to late August; Pumpkins and fall activities in October;. We minimize use of pesticides and other chemicals. Payment: Cash, Check. (ADDED: October 11, 2018)

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