Find a local farm market here

Looking for a local, true farmer's market in Omaha and Eastern Nebraska? Scroll down this page and you will see the farm markets, farm stands, roadside stands, produce markets, even garden fruit and vegetable stands and seasonal community farmer's markets in Omaha and Eastern Nebraska, sorted by county. Markets offering organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name. If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website.

And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the information, please click here to ADD a farm, - or - click here to CORRECT an existing listing!. Thank you!

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What's in season in February 2025, and other timely information:

February brings with it cold weather winter crops, like kale, spinach, some lettuces, peas, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leeks and early onions, and from southern areas, like Florida and southern Texas, strawberries, oranges, sumatras, grapefruit.

Omaha and Eastern Nebraska Farmer's Market Listings in 2025, by county

Click on the resources drop-down at the top of the page, if you need a county map

Burt County

Butler County

Cass County

  • Chisholm Family Farm - Uses natural growing practices, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, beans, beets, cucumbers, herbs/spices, pumpkins, summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes, other vegetables, Turkeys (organic, not-hormone-fed), Fresh eggs, picnic area, farm animals
    27107 Fletcher Ave Elmwood, NE 68349. Phone: 402-440-9409. Email: [email protected]. Open: Our farm store is always open; Any produce available is in there and a price list of all items including milk. Directions: From Lincoln head Take US-34 to highway 79 and head north. Go about six miles and you will see the flashing red light at Raymond Road. Go two more miles and turn left onto Davey Road. We are second house. see sign that says Fresh Eggs. From Lincoln - Head north on 14th Street at Superior. Turn left at flashing red light (Raymond Road) Turn right on highway 79 (flashing red light) go 2 miles and turn left onto Davey Road. We are second house on left see sign that says Fresh Eggs. Click here for a map and directions. Squashes available from July - September depending on the year; Our garden is only about a half an acre so call or email for availability; I am happy to pick for you or you can pick for yourself; We have pie pumpkins available from September - November; Again, just check on availability. We use natural practices, but are not seeking organic certification. Payment: Cash, Check. We are a pasture based farm located just north of Lincoln, NE. We follow all organic/holistic farming methods and are a soy-free farm. Pastured poultry, pastured pork also available for order at the farm. All of our animals are on a soy-free diet consisting of local organically grown soy-free grains, fresh raw milk from our jersey cows, and all the grass and bugs they can eat!. (ADDED: July 22, 2009) (UPDATED: July 20, 2010)

Cedar County

Colfax County

  • Parsons Sweet Corn - Roadside stand, corn (sweet),
    10th And Colfax Street, Schuyler, NE 68661. Phone: 402-615-2685. Email: [email protected]. Open: and Closing dates and times subject to product availability. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. We sell fresh picked, locally grown sweet corn. Family owned and operated. (ADDED: March 26, 2014)

Cuming County

Dakota County

Dixon County

Dodge County

Douglas County

  • It's All About Bees! - Farmers market (multiple stalls or vendors), Uncovered outdoor market, Preserves, jams, jellies, Crafts, artistic products, etc, Honey from hives on the farm, gift shop, restrooms
    8540 Park Drive, Ralston, NE 68127. Phone: (402) 216-4545. Email: [email protected]. Open: Saturday in the Old Market 8 am to 12:30 pm on 13th and Jackson, or Sunday at the Aksarben Farmers Market at 67th and Mercy from 9 am to 1 pm; Farmers markets run from May 4th to October 13th 2019. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: 84th & Park Dr -- Peel's Park Drive Plaza Ralston, Nebraska 2 blocks south of 84th & Q -- Located in the Northwest Corner. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. Click here for our Facebook page. T the farmers markets we not only sell our wide variety of creamed honeys but whatever you can find in our store you will be able to find there. (ADDED: July 21, 2019)

Fillmore County

Gage County

Jefferson County

Johnson County

  • Stone Ridge Farm - Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, Indoor market, Uncovered outdoor market, Crafts, artistic products, etc, gift shop, restrooms, picnic area
    62101 - 724 Road 4 miles south of Tecumseh, Hwy 50, Tecumseh, NE 68450. Phone: 402-335-3682. Alternate Phone: 402-921-0318. Email: [email protected]. Open: Opening March 15, 2014 Monday through Saturday 10:00am to 6:00pm. Directions: Directions from Tecumseh, NE, Intersection of Highways 136 & 50 4 miles south on Highway 50 to 724 Road. Turn left, then left into driveway at our Red Barn. Do NOT use Google to find us. It won't work. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard. Click here for our Facebook page. Stone Ridge Farm is dedicated to promoting local goods and services and providing the local people with goods and services at a reasonable price. (ADDED: December 16, 2013)

Lancaster County

  • Gare Bear Honey at Fallbrook Farmers Market -  Farmers market, Honey from hives on the farm
    2627 S. 34th Street, Lincoln, NE 68506. Phone: (402) 525-8098. Email: [email protected]. Open: Fallbrook Farmers Market 4p - 7p, every other Thursday. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, All credit cards, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx, ApplePay, PayPal, Venmo, SFMNP Vouchers.
    Click here for our Facebook page.
    Click here for our Instagram page.
    Honey and beeswax products.
    (ADDED: August 19, 2023)
  • Nebraska Food Cooperative (Online) - Farm market, not located on the farm, Farmers market (multiple stalls or vendors), Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, some produce is certified organically grown, Fresh local eggs, Baked goods, Preserves, jams, jellies, Crafts, artistic products, etc,
    PO Box 94691, Lincoln, NE 68509. Phone: 800-993-2379. Email: [email protected]. Open: Online, so we are 24 hours, 7 days a week, order cycle is every 2 weeks in the summer and once a month in the winter. Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Check. We accept PayPal or checks. We only deliver to Nebraska. Contact the individual producer if you would like to ask about shipping out of state. Sunflower Acres will be happy to ship anywhere in the United States. Contact us for postage costs. A local online Farmer's Market co-op. All food is grown locally, no GMO's. We also have natural homebaked dog treats, natural skin care, handcrafted soap, shampoo bars, plants, trees, seeds, and lots more. There is an annual membership fee to cover our driver and trucks for delivery throughout Nebraska, but you can order free the first time or pay a small flat fee per order to cover expenses of delivery. (ADDED: August 02, 2013)
  • Sunwest Farms - Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, Indoor market, Fresh local eggs, Preserves, jams, jellies, Crafts, artistic products, etc, asparagus, beets, corn (sweet), cucumbers, herbs/spices, melons, pumpkins, raspberries (Autumn, red), rhubarb, summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes, gift shop, restrooms, picnic area, Bounce house, school tours
    4851 North 84th Street, Lincoln, NE 68507. Phone: 402-464-4633. Email: [email protected]. Open: June 1st to September 30th Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm Saturday 9 am to 1 pm Closed Sunday. Directions: We are located just north of Havelock Avenue on North 84th Street. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, SFMNP Vouchers. We also grow field grown Iris plants & daylilies that we sell from our fields. (ADDED: November 02, 2012)

Madison County

Nemaha County

Otoe County

Pawnee County

Pierce County

Platte County

Polk County

Richardson County

Saline County

Sarpy County

Saunders County

  • Naber Acres , Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, apples, broccoli, carrots, cherries, corn (sweet), cucumbers, grapes, herbs/spices, melons, onions, pears, peas, peaches, peppers, plums, pumpkins, rhubarb, strawberries, tomatoes, other vegetables, Indoor market, Covered outdoor market, Uncovered outdoor market, Fresh local eggs, Baked goods, Preserves, jams, jellies, Crafts, artistic products, etc, pumpkins (in a market, stand or shop), farm animals
    2744 Co Rd N, Weston, NE 68070. Phone: (402) 380-3391. Open: 12 months 9 am to 7 pm. Directions: directions. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Venmo . They have a wide variety of animals that are super friendly and you can pet. The produce is grown right there on the property and you can see where there are grown. They do make custom shirts, tumblers, stickers etc as well. Also pick-your-own none they are already harvested. (ADDED: May 18, 2021, Suggested by a visitor)
    A visitor writes on May 18, 2021: "The people are super friendly and is definitely worth checking out "

Seward County

Stanton County

Thayer County

Thurston County

Washington County

Wayne County

York County

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