Looking for a local, true farmer's market in Northeastern Texas?
Scroll down this page and you will see the farm markets,
farm stands, roadside stands, produce markets, even garden fruit and vegetable stands and
seasonal community farmer's markets in Northeastern Texas,
sorted by county. Markets offering organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name.
If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined; click on it and it will open their website.
And if you know of one I missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please click here to ADD a farm,
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click here to CORRECT an existing listing!. Thank you!
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What's in season in February 2025, and other timely information:
February brings with it cold weather winter crops, like kale, spinach,
some lettuces, peas, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower,
leeks and early onions,
and from southern areas, like Florida and southern Texas,
strawberries, oranges, sumatras, grapefruit.
Northeastern Texas Farmer's Market Listings in 2025, by county
Click on the resources drop-down at the top of the page, if you need a county map
Anderson County
Lake Creek Blueberry Farm
No pesticides are used, Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Indoor market, blueberries, restrooms
1471 W 321,
Montalba, TX 75853. Phone: (903) 386-8200. Alternate Phone:
(281) 468-6545. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Monday thru Saturday,
from 7 am; to 3 pm. Directions: 10 miles North of Palestine
Texas. highway 19 towards Athens Texas to Montalba Texas. The
flashing light in Montalba is FM 321. Take FM 321 west, the farm
is 1 mile from the Montalba post office and noted with a large
blueberry sign.
Click here for a map and directions. June 1 to August 1. We
do not use pesticides on the crops. Payment: Cash, only. (ADDED:
July 10, 2018)
Angelina County
Bowie County
Anderson Family Farms - Uses
natural growing practices, Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, apples,
figs, melons, peas, peaches, pecans , summer squash, tomatoes,
Fresh eggs
332 County Road 1107, Maud, TX 75567. Phone: (903)
276-7474. Email:
[email protected]. Open: We have fresh eggs year
round and can put them in an ice chest beside the road if you
need to come earlier or later. Directions: From interstate I-30,
take highway 8 south 4 miles. Take FM 2149 East go 6 miles. Look
for CR.
Click here for a map and directions. (903) 276 to 7474. We
use natural practices, but are not seeking organic
certification. Payment: Cash, only. We can grow just about
anything you want. We also raise farm fresh eggs, chicks, and
chickens. Need pasture raised meat? Call us to arrange what meat
you want us to raise and how you want it raised. 903-276-7474.
We can grow what you need. Call us to let us grow your food. We
grow CHICKENS, EGGS, CHICKS, and almost any type of meat you
want. (ADDED: April 26, 2019)
Moss Springs Farm - blueberries,
1529 Fm 2149, New Boston, TX 75570. Phone:
903-826-3164. Alternate Phone: 903-628-3510. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Monday to Saturday, from 7 am
to 7 pm. Directions: Interstate 30 to New Boston, take highway 8
South 4.5 miles, turn right on highway 2149 West. Moss Springs
Farm is on the left 1.6 miles.
Click here for a map and directions. Blackberries: June 9 to
July 15 Blueberries: June 21 to July 15 Peaches: June 38 to July
20. Payment: Cash, Check. Complimentary blackberry snowcones,
dessert of the day, and recipes. (ADDED: June 12, 2010)
Camp County
Cass County

Rachel Farm's - Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, Wide variety of seasonal, locally
grown fruits and vegetables, melons,
169 County Road 4809, Atlanta, TX 75551. Phone: (903) 826-7071. Alternate Phone: (903) 824-9509. Email:
[email protected].
Open: call for hrs. Directions: Click here for a map
and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: August 05, 2020)
Cherokee County
Ruby-Farm - Garden stand on a residence (which is NOT
on a farm), Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and
vegetables, Covered outdoor market, restrooms
1057 County
Road 2732, Alto, TX 75925. Phone: 936-225-2969. Email:
[email protected]. Open: May 15 thru Summer, Monday
thru Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm, closed on Sunday. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
(ADDED: April 16, 2013)
Delta County
Franklin County
Freestone County
Gregg County
Harrison County
- Green Acres Produce - Watermelons,
purple hull peas, pumpkins in the fall, pumpkin patch in the
352 Ferguson Rd, Harleton, TX 75651. Phone:
903-930-5751. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Monday through Saturday 10
am - 6 pm. Directions: Call for directions. Payment: Cash, Check
. (ADDED: March 24, 2015, Suggested by a visitor)
Henderson County
- Cackleberry Farm Produce - Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal fruits
and vegetables, Wide variety of seasonal, fruits and vegetables
(some locally grown), some produce is sustainably grown, some
produce is grown using IPM (integrated pest management), Covered
outdoor market, Fresh local eggs, Baked goods, Preserves, jams,
jellies, Fresh eggs
6901 highway 175e, Larue, TX 75770.
Phone: 903-677-1314. Email:
[email protected]. Open: March 1 to November 31; Monday to
Sunday from 8am to 6pm. Directions: Take highway 175 East off
the Loop. As the road merges to 2 lane we are located on the
left. Payment: Cash, Check. During the fall season we do carry
pumpkins. (UPDATED: September 21, 2011)
(ADDED: June 07, 2010)
Echo Springs Blueberry Farm - Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal fruits and
vegetables, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and
vegetables, some produce is sustainably grown, some produce is
grown using IPM (integrated pest management), all produce is
sustainably grown, all produce is grown using IPM (integrated
pest management), Indoor market, Baked goods, Preserves, jams,
jellies, Crafts, artistic products, etc, Honey from hives on the
farm, gift shop, concessions / refreshment stand, porta-potties,
picnic area, birthday parties, school tours
7235fm 607,
Brownsboro, TX 75778. Phone: 903 852 3779. Alternate Phone: 903
681 9151. Fax: 903 852 2829. Email:
[email protected]. Open: May 25 - July 31 7:am to 4:30 p:m 7 days a week. Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: www.echospringsblueberryfarm.com. Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check,
Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. Blueberry Extravaganza
June 16, 2012. Tours through the processing plant. Takes you
from the fruit from the field to the box you see in the grocers
store. (UPDATED: May 06, 2012)
Hopkins County
- Jarvis Farm - peaches, sweet
potatoes, some produce is sustainably grown,
11121 Fm 69
South, Como, TX 75431. Phone: 903-488-0013. Open: Please call
for availability and appointment; Peaches through July 20th.
Directions: From Sulphur Springs take highway 11 East to Como.
Turn right onto Farm to Market Road 69 (FM 69) South. Go 4 Miles
and you will see a sign on the left side of the road.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Sweet Potatoes in the fall. (ADDED: July 06, 2010)
Houston County
Madison County
Marion County
Morris County
Nacogdoches County
Appleby Community Farm - Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Farmers market (multiple stalls or vendors), Wide
variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, all
produce is sustainably grown, Covered outdoor market, asparagus,
beets, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, currants (red and black),
eggplant, herbs/spices, melons, onions, peppers, persimmons,
pumpkins, rhubarb, summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes,
11825 North US Highway 59, Nacogdoches, TX 75965. Phone:
936-205-4821. Alternate Phone: 936-645-7201. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Anytime!, but please
call first. Directions: We are located a little north of
Nacogdoches toward Garrison, 2 miles east of the Highway 259 &
59 intersection/loop. Our sign & driveway is on the north side
of Highway 59. Come visit us!.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check,
Click here for our Facebook page. We have more veggies than
listed... Check out our website for the most up-to-date info!.
(UPDATED: June 02, 2011)
Panola County
Panola Orchard and Gardens - Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Indoor market, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli,
corn (sweet), cucumbers, eggplant, melons, peas, peaches, plums,
summer squash, tomatoes, Other fruit or veg, concessions /
refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area
1413 Fm 1186, De
Berry, TX 75639. Phone: 903-263-8703. Alternate Phone:
903-458-1017. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Opening late spring 2014;
Opening date and hours of operation to be determined.
Directions: From Shreveport, Louisiana: I-20 West, take exit 3
(Highway 79 South). Turn left onto Highway 79 South. Go about 20
miles. Take right onto FM 1186. We are 2 1/2 miles down FM 1186
on the left. From Longview, Texas: I-20 East to Exit 6 (US 59
South). Turn right onto US-59 South. Go just over 7 miles, and
turn left onto FM 1186. Go 7 miles, then turn left onto FM 1186
by Walnut Springs Baptist Church. Go 3 miles and turn right onto
FM 1186. We are about 3/4 mile on the right.
Click here for a map and directions. Typical harvest dates
June 1 until end of July. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page. lavender products. okra.
(UPDATED: March 12, 2014) (UPDATED: July 11, 2013)
Rains County
Alford Family Farm - Uses natural
growing practices, blackberries, blueberries, tomatoes,
Fresh eggs, U-pick and already picked, farm market,
porta-potties are available, picnic area, farm animals
Private Road 6181, Emory, TX 75440. Phone:
903-474-7629. Email:
[email protected]. Open:
from Memorial
Day weekend for the Blueberry U - Pick season; Blueberries and
Blackberries Wednesday and Saturday 7am to 2pm normally star
picking late May and go until early July depending on weather;
Please visit our Facebook page or our web site for current
information .
Click here for current open hours, days and dates..
Directions: Go south on 19 from the intersection of 69 and 19
take immediately turn left on 3274 w Willow springs road go two
miles take left on 2180 this is a small oil top road go one half
mile take first left on 2181 you will see farm on the right in
one half mile. Blue berries and blackberries late May to early
July check face book for updates . We use natural practices, but
are not yet certified Organic. Payment: Cash, Check,
Click here for our Facebook page. . Once you get to 19 there
will be signs with our easy pickins logo. Our U-Pick blueberry
and blackberry orchards were the first crops we established and
remains the highlight of our farm, with close to 4,000 blueberry
and blackberry bushes that produce from May to July. We enjoy
having you and your family out to experience the process of
harvesting your own food while also enjoying the farm life going
on around you...you'll see our Belted Galloway cows grazing in
the pastures, the hogs wallowing in the mud ponds, our free
range chickens and guineas patrolling the grounds while our
exotic chickens and pheasants look on in the safety of their
spacious enclosures.
(UPDATED: May 15, 2018)
Red River County
Rusk County
Sabine County
San Augustine County
Shelby County
Smith County
East Texas State Fair Farmers Market - Farmers market
(multiple stalls or vendors), Wide variety of seasonal, locally
grown fruits and vegetables, some produce is certified
organically grown, all produce is sustainably grown, Covered
outdoor market, Fresh local eggs, Baked goods, Preserves, jams,
jellies, Crafts, artistic products, etc, asparagus, apricots,
beans, beets, blackberries, blueberries, broad beans, carrots,
corn (sweet), cucumbers, eggplant, flowers, peas, peaches,
peppers, plums, pumpkins, summer squash, winter squash,
strawberries, tomatoes, other vegetables, Other fruit or veg,
2112 W. Front Street Large Pavilion, Tyler, TX 75701. Phone:
903-881-9773. Alternate Phone: 301-706-5616. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Saturdays: 7am to 1pm
Tuesdays: 7am to 1pm First Saturday in May through the last
Saturday in July.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Directions: We are located under the large pavilion at the East
Texas State Fair right off Front Street.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, WIC
Click here for our Facebook page. Covered/open air market,
with local grown, fresh fruits, veggies and flowers. Also
crafters, home made baked goods, preserves & fresh eggs! We are
strictly a grower-only market and all items you will find at our
market are grown by the individual vendor. Our location is in
the central part of Tyler in a large covered pavilion at the
East Texas State Fairgrounds. We have lots of parking, can
operate rain or shine and the shaded pavilion stays cool despite
the warm summer temperatures!. onions, potatoes, carrots,
turnips, radishes, cabbage, kale, sweet potatoes, swiss chard,
green beans, purple hull peas. (ADDED: May 09, 2014)
- Rozell Peach Farm - Peaches, Plums
SH 64, Tyler,
TX. Phone: 903-597-0864. Directions: From Tyler west on SH 64, 3
miles west of Loop 323 past airport entrance.
Titus County
Upshur County
Hill Farms - Roadside stand, Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables,
Indoor market, Preserves, jams, jellies, concessions / refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area
10191 State highway 155 South Big Sandy, Big
Sandy, TX 75755. Phone: (903) 402-0804. Email:
[email protected].
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Market updates:
Click here for updates. Directions: 8 miles south of Gilmer 4 miles north of Big Sandy.
Click here for a map and
directions. Strawberries April 1. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. (ADDED: April 07, 2021)
Van Zandt County
Blueberry Hill Farms, Inc. - Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, Wide
variety of seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, Wide
variety of seasonal, fruits and vegetables (some locally grown),
Indoor market, Baked goods, Preserves, jams, jellies, Crafts,
artistic products, etc, Honey from hives on the farm, gift shop,
concessions / refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area,
birthday parties
10268 Fm 314, Edom, TX 75756. Phone:
903-852-6175. Email:
[email protected]. Open:June 4th thru July 31st
each summer, Our hours are 7:00 am till 5:00 pm everyday, seven
days a week, including Fourth of July!. Directions: 72 mile east
of Dallas, TX on I-20, past Canton, Tx 19 miles to exit 540,
take right and go twelve miles to Edom, TX at second stop sign
you get to, take right then at next street take left, this
places you back on FM 314 climbing a hill, at the top of the
hill you will see us: Blueberry Hills Farms.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit
cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover.
Click here for our Facebook page. No Pets Please! It's hot
and we have plenty of our own out here already. Not allowed in
store or field per Health Codes. Thank you. (UPDATED: March 08,
Broken Chalice Farm - Uses integrated pest management practices, Farm stand / farm market on a farm, all produce is grown using IPM (integrated pest
management), blackberries, Honey from hives on the farm
Fm 279, Ben Wheeler, TX 75754. Phone: 9033682528. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Monday thru Saturday 8am
to 7pm Call before you come for availability of Blackberries.
Directions: Ben wheeler Texas, east on fm 279 3.5 miles farm on
north side of road and has signs. from Tyler highway 64 then
south on fm 279 once you get to Edom proceed straight for 4
miles farm on North side and has signs.
Click here for a map and directions. Blackberries Middle of
May through end of July, depending on weather conditions; Call
before you come. We use integrated pest management practices.
Payment: Cash, Debit cards. please make sure you call before
coming. blackberries sell out fast and once they are picked it
takes 3 to 4 days before we have more. Weather determines
availability as well. (UPDATED: January 28, 2016) (ADDED:
February 12, 2014)
Downtown Canton Farmers Market - Farmers market
(multiple stalls or vendors), Wide variety of seasonal, locally
grown fruits and vegetables, some produce is certified
organically grown, Uncovered outdoor market, Fresh local eggs,
Baked goods, Preserves, jams, jellies, blackberries,
blueberries, boysenberries, broccoli, carrots, corn (sweet),
cucumbers, figs, flowers, herbs/spices, lavender, melons,
onions, pears, peas, peaches, pecans , peppers, plums, pumpkins,
summer squash, winter squash, strawberries, tomatoes, other
vegetables, porta-potties, picnic area
202 N. Buffalo Street,
Canton, TX 75103. Phone: (903) 567-1851. Alternate Phone: (214)
403-8178. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Saturdays, From 8am - 12 noon, Thursday Nights in May 2019 from 5pm to 8pm. Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Directions: Located at the corner of Buffalo Street and Terrell
Street in Downtown Canton Texas, across from the Canton City
Hall building.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check,
Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page. The Downtown Canton
Farmers Market is a true Producer Only market that is proud to
have the best farmers and producers in Van Zandt County. We have
produce, meats, honey, baked goods, jams and eggs. Our mission
is to support local producers, encourage healthy eating, educate
and develop community relationships. Get ready everyone the 2019
Downtown Canton Farmers Market will open April 20th! New this
year will be the addition of a night market. Thursday nights in
May, we will hold the market from 5-8pm during the whole month
of May. This year we will have fun events that included the 4-H
cook-off competition, watermelon eating contest, live music and
of course great food. Thank you for supporting Local Farmers and
Producers and we will see you soon. The Canton Main Street board
of directors set out to organize a true producer-only farmer's
market in the Historic Canton Downtown Square. In 2018 we did
just that. Every Saturday from 8 am until 12-noon, starting late
April through first week in October our market is open for
business. We have only local farmers and producers offering
everything from vegetables, beef, baked good, handmade lotions,
honey and so much more. We want to support our local
farmer/producer, the small guy who believes in the healthy
practices of growing, producing and cooking without harmful
chemicals, antibiotics and steroids. So come out and help us
support our local farmers and producers, listen to live music
and eat heather. Located on Buffalo St. in Downtown Canton
across from City Hall. (ADDED: February 01, 2019)
Honey Apple Farm - Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Farm market, not located on the farm, Wide variety of
seasonal, locally grown fruits and vegetables, all produce is
sustainably grown, Uncovered outdoor market, Fresh local eggs,
Baked goods, Preserves, jams, jellies, apples, asparagus,
blackberries, blueberries, cherries, corn (sweet), cucumbers,
figs, herbs/spices, pears, peaches, pecans , plums, tomatoes,
Honey from hives on the farm
206 Vzcr 4404, Ben Wheeler , TX
75754. Phone: (214) 208-0755. Alternate Phone: (214) 208-0710.
[email protected]. Open: April thru October Saturdays 8am to 12noon Thursdays 5pm to 8pm. Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard,
Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: February 17, 2019)
Lay Berry Farm - cucumbers, melons, onions, peppers,
summer squash, tomatoes, Other fruit or veg, Honey from hives on
the farm, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area
F.M 1256, Canton, TX 75013. Phone: 214-208-0967. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Friday 9am to 5pm, Saturday
and Sunday 7am to 5pm. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Blackberries and
Blueberries available early June to mid July; Produce available
to mid august. Payment: Cash, Check. zucchini, okra,
watermelons. (UPDATED: February 24, 2010)
Wood County
Blueberry Ridge Farm Bed and Breakfast - Garden stand
on a residence, Roadside stand, Farm stand / farm market on a farm, Wide variety of seasonal, fruits and vegetables (some
locally grown), some produce is certified organically grown,
Indoor market, Covered outdoor market, Preserves, jams, jellies,
Crafts, artistic products, etc, gift shop, concessions /
refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, face painting, Bouncy
castle, pony rides, petting zoo, farm animals, birthday parties,
weddings and wedding parties, school tours, events at your
location (call for info)
2785 East Highway 80, Mineola, TX
75773. Phone: 903-569-1550. Alternate Phone: 903-569-0101.
[email protected]. Open: June 10 to September 10, 9 am to
5 pm. Directions: 2785 East Highway 80 is located five miles
East of Mineola, Texas on the north side of Highway 80. We are
located directly across from a state picnic area.
Click here for a map and directions. Pumpkin Patch: October
1 to November 20 Blueberries: June 10 to late July (call for
closing date) Corn Maze: Coming Fall Opening October 1 to
November 20 Hay Maze: Coming Fall of 2011 Opening October 1 to
November 20 Christmas Tree Farm with Santa; Opening November 20
Easter Egg Hunting Coming Spring Opening April. Payment: Cash,
Click here for our Facebook page. Our blueberries,
blackberries, and elderberries are certified organic by the
Texas Department of Agriculture. Elderberries grow wild on our
farm. (UPDATED: October 26, 2010)
- Fresh Picked Blueberries and veggies
- Garden stand on a residence, Wide variety of seasonal, locally
grown fruits and vegetables, some produce is sustainably grown,
N Sh 37, Quitman, TX 75783. Phone: 903-497-6028. Open: June
1st through September 1st, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 8 am to
5 pm. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only. We
have blueberries, onions, new potatoes, okra, purple hull and
zipper cream peas, summer squash and watermelons. (ADDED: June
01, 2011)
The Blueberry Farm - Farm stand / farm market on a farm, blueberries, summer squash, tomatoes, Other fruit or veg,
982 N Sh, Quitman, TX 75783. Phone: 903-763-2801. Alternate
Phone: 903-497-6028. Open: June 1st to August 1st, Sunday
through Saturday, 7 am to 5 pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. Pick your own blueberries
are $14.00 a gallon and pre picked blueberries are $20.00 a
gallon. We also have watermelons. (UPDATED: March 18, 2014)
(UPDATED: December 20, 2011) (ADDED: September 01, 2011)
Winnsboro Farmers Market - Farmers market (multiple
stalls or vendors), Wide variety of seasonal, locally grown
fruits and vegetables, some produce is certified organically
grown, some produce is sustainably grown, some produce is grown
using IPM (integrated pest management), Uncovered outdoor
market, Fresh local eggs, Baked goods, Preserves, jams, jellies,
Crafts, artistic products, etc, restrooms, face painting, events
at your location (call for info)
111 East Market Street
Market Street, Winnsboro, TX 75494. Phone: 903-629-3332. Email:
[email protected]. Open: Summer: Saturday
from 8 am to Noon on Market Street April through October;
Winter: Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm on the patio of Art and
Espresso 111 E Broadway (Market and Broadway) November through
March. Directions: between Elm and Broadway;
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check,
SFMNP Vouchers.
Click here for our Facebook page. Producer only market where
vendors are required to grow within 50 miles of Winnsboro, Texas
or in a county that touches Wood County. In addition to locally
grown fruits and vegetables, we offer organic heritage pork;
grass fed beef; pastured chicken; farm fresh yogurt; free range
eggs; cheese; local raw honey; goats milk fudge and soap.
(ADDED: February 24, 2015)
Click here for salad spinners, washers and other popular kitchen produce accessories